Adding GD library for Mac OS X Leopard

“Unfortunately the Mac OS Leopard PHP build doesn’t bring GD library installed.
There are many tutorials around the web telling how to patch the system so you can have it working but all are very complicated and require the installation of Xcode, etc, so you need some gigs of free HD space and a lot of free time to do the trick.

After goggling for some hours searching the simplest tutorial, I have found this great solution that works like a charm and it’s as simple and fast as write some commands in the terminal.
This tutorial tells you how to overwrite the system PHP installation with a new with GD built in.

So what you need to do is:
-> Open Terminal App
-> Write “sudo mv /usr/local/php5 ~/Desktop/php5.old” and press return
– You’ll be asked for the admin login
-> Write “curl -O” and press return
-> Write “tar -xzf php5-*-beta.tar.gz” and press return
-> Write “sudo mv php5 /usr/local/” and press return
-> Write “sudo ln -sf /usr/local/php5/entropy-php.conf /etc/apache2/other/+entropy-php.conf” and press return
-> Write “sudo apachectl restart” and press return”

Courtesy of Marc Liyanage

3 Comments on “Adding GD library for Mac OS X Leopard”

  1. Hi Barry,

    I tried to follow the steps of your mini-manual in Leopard Server and I got the next mesage when I used the first comand line:

    mv: rename /usr/local/php5 to /Users/admin/Desktop/php5.old: No such file or directory

    What I have to do? or what I’m doing wrong.


  2. Hi Roberto, Leopard Server stores php and web files in a diferent localtion. This page is if a developer wants to hosts a website on its client Leopard edtion

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